tax: n.1.税,租税,租款 (on; upon)。2.〔美国〕会费。3.负担。4.(pl. -es) 〔英口〕收税官。短语和例子an additional tax 附加税。 a business tax 营业税。 a housing and land tax 房地产税。 an income tax 所得税。 an import (export) tax 进(出)口税。 a po
schooling: n.1.学校教育;教育。2.学费。3.训练,锻炼;驯马,练马。短语和例子He did not get much schooling. 他没有上过多少学[受过多少学校教育]。 to shorten the length of schooling 缩短学制[学习期限]。 a man with less schooling 文化水平较低的人。 pay for the school